Budget Year Aug 2024财政预算年2024年8月
Please prayerfully consider how you would support the Lord’s work at PLMC. 请大家以祷告的心考虑新一年的认捐。
Please prayerfully consider how you would support the Lord’s work at PLMC. 请大家以祷告的心考虑新一年的认捐。
One of the highlights of camp was Gala Night on Day 3, where we gathered in our athletic costumes for the theme: OLYMPICS. It was an amazing dinner program led by our energetic youths with games, videos and performances.
Three participants share how they sought and met with God at the recent Tending the Soul silent retreat (29 May – 1 June).
Praise The Lord! Some 125 people attended this event, of whom a quarter were invited guests. 长青举办了一场主题为“帅医生讲肺话”的外展活动。共有超过125人参加了此次活动,其中四分之一是受邀的嘉宾。
I am thankful for the inscribed stone painting of God’s promise of His presence in life’s challenges. I have gained much confidence in my drum playing now.