Mehedi Hasan

Hi, My name is Mehedi Hasan Nahid, I am a web developer.

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Creative Expressions

Creative Expressions provides platforms for those gifted and called to the creative arts ministries. Our desire is to help creatives understand that creativity comes from God; we are called to steward these gifts, so that the body of Christ can be encouraged and strengthened through the beauty and divine inspiration of these created works.

Prophetic Art Team Meetings

Dance Team Cell Meeting

Dance Team Practices

SongWriters Collective

Saturday (alternate) 10am-12:30pm

Last Thursday of the month



Prophetic Art

The members in prophetic art, embarks on a life-long journey to connect with the Godhead, they learn to hear and grow in their  discernment of the voice of God and to release and express HIs heart through worship, painting and drawings.


Dance Team

This ministry welcomes dancers of all levels to come together as a community, to grow in skills and depth of relationship with God. The overflow of this relationship becomes the source for the expression of love through movement and dance. The dance team is featured in 3 major celebration services a year.


SongWriters Collective

A gathering of wordsmiths and musicians,  like the “sons of Issachar, who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel should do” (1 Chronicles 12:32) and would write songs and release sounds that reflect and echo the heart cry of the people of the land.

Leading people into a life changing encounter with God

  1. Dancers
  2. Artists (Required to go through Basic Prophetic Art Training Course)
  3. Persons interested in Production & Stage Management work

Training will be provided for all who sign up to serve in the above areas.

Ministry Contact

Paul Seow