Calling all parents of primary 4s, 5s & 6s! God made each child wonderfully and uniquely for a purpose. Your support in your child’s spiritual and mental well-being is important. 

Silver Boxes presents Inside Out, a parent-child workshop is organised especially for you and your child! They will be guided by Christine Tok, a well-known Christian art therapist, to express their thoughts and emotions through art.

Parents/guardians are invited to attend a session for adults that will be conducted concurrently with the children’s session. Emmeline Wong, our Church counsellor, and a panel of speakers will be there to support you in your journey of bringing up your children through their ups and downs in this day and age. 

Due to the nature of the workshop, it is compulsory for each parent to participate in the adult’s session, which will be conducted separately, from the children’s session.

Date: Saturday, 8 Mar 2025
Time: 9.30am to 12pm
Venue: Gabriel Room and Michael Room, Level 1, Sanctuary Block, Paya Lebar Methodist Church
Age Group: Primary 4 to 6 (age as at 2025) / One Parent/Guardian is invited to attend the adult’s session.
Cost: $20 per Parent/Child pair (non-refundable) – cost is inclusive of GST, teabreak, and art materials.
(This is a highly subsidised event, due to the cost of art materials)
Registration Link:

Registration Closing Date: 2 March 2025 (or when all spaces are taken up)

For further enquiries, please contact Carolyn Lee at