This year, the season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on March 5, commemorating Jesus’ 40 days of fasting in the wilderness while being tempted by Satan. It is a time set aside for reflection, prayer and fasting, grieving for the suffering Jesus had to endure to pay the price for our sin on the cross. It culminates at Easter when we celebrate the resurrection of Christ which gives all believers hope of life eternally with Him.

This being the Year of Expansion, you are invited to fast, pray and align more deeply with God’s heart to redeem people of all nations in the Lent season. The 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting for the Nations will guide you to reflect on essential missions themes and prayer pointers for the nations, the Church (including trippers and field workers) and a personal response to the Lord.

May we catch the heartbeat of God for missions, and declare His glorious purposes to the nations! Have a blessed Lent season.

今年,大斋节期从 3 月 5 日的圣灰星期三开始,纪念耶稣在旷野禁食 40 天,并受到撒但试探的经历。这是一个特别设立的时期,用于反思、祷告和禁食,同时为耶稣在十字架上为我们的罪受苦而哀伤。大斋节期最终以复活节达到高潮,我们在这一天庆祝基督的复活,这为所有信徒带来了与祂同享永恒生命的盼望。

