Let us seek the Lord together and bring before Him these prayer pointers and ministry concerns.
February 2025
Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. – John 14:12-14
1. Church Staff & Leaders
2. Staff Retreat
3. Upcoming Missions Trips:
1. STM trip to Sangklaburi, Thailand (serving the refugees)
2. METs to Batam/Riau Islands (by cell groups)
Silver Boxes
Sonshine Kids
1. Pray that the participants of the ALPHA course will have a life-transforming encounter with God during the sessions. Pray for the facilitators to have God’s wisdom to guide and lead the participants to the God who can transform lives. Pray for God’s protection over both the facilitators and participants as they commit themselves to the course.
2. Pray for the facilitators and participants of the DISCIPLE courses to increase in their knowledge of God and to be open to God’s transformative power during the sessions. Pray for an atmosphere of openness to each other and to God.
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Missions Prayer List (November 2024)
Pray for BL’s mothers and their respective helpers, to be kept well in health as BL serve overseas.
Wycliffe Singapore: Grace Tan
2. Navigator’s Singapore: Roger Yeo & Pearlyn Pang
3. YWAM Singapore: Nicole Lim
4.YWAM Singapore: Rachel Ong
1. East Asia: TK
2. East Asia: Songs
3. East Asia: Mongolia Churches
4. South Asia: India Churches
5. South Asia: CCI Bangladesh
6. Central Asia: C&M
Please pray for:
Outreach Prayer (Feb 2025)
Dearest friends and co-labourers of God, I greet you in the Name of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Please pray along with me:
O God our Heavenly Father, we praise and thank you that every good and perfect gift is from you who reigns above, and who does not change as shifting shadows (James 1:17). We are so blessed to be citizens of your kingdom and members of your household. The greatest blessing you gave us was to redeem us through your Son Jesus Christ. We realise that this blessing is not just for us to hoard but also to share with others in the community. Yes, Lord God, we desire that they, too, be brought into your kingdom and be blessed with eternal life. We are grateful that you have allowed us to partner with you in this endeavour to fulfil your will for the people in the community. Help us to love them the way you want us to love them. And we pray for them now.
We lift up all the poor and needy in the rental blocks that we serve at. Some of the residents in Blk 223A Serangoon Ave 4 and Blk 8 Lor Lew Lian are barely coping with the cost of living. We pray, O God, that you will supply what they need for each day. For those who are weary from working two or more jobs, give them the strength to persevere. Help them to manage their finances well so that they can responsibly care for their families and themselves. For the residents in the Joint Singles Scheme units of Blk 208A Woodleigh Link and Blk 999A Buangkok Crescent, we pray that you give them the forbearance to live with their other housemates. Help them to seek peace with one another and support one another. We are amazed at how you have touched the hearts of some of them to want to get to know you and Jesus more. Allow us to continue the work in these blocks so that you can continue to turn their hearts towards you.
We lift up our Friends of Jesus to you, the homeless and the rough-sleepers. The weather forecast predicts the continuation of the monsoon rains. We notice that the sudden thundery showers are expected to continue. We ask that you watch over our friends who are sleeping in the void decks and other similar places. Keep them safe and secure from the heavy rains and the cold winds. Help us to continue to be a blessing to them through the conversations we have with them and the little comfort we can give to them. But most of all, O God, we desire that they would be reconciled to their families so that they can live in proper homes. And if not, then we ask that you will mercifully grant them lodging in a temporary or permanent shelter.
We lift up the Migrant Workers to you. We ask that their supervisors and those you have placed in authority over them will treat them with honour and as fellow human-beings. We also ask that they be righteous in their dealings with our Migrant Worker friends and not to cheat them of their hard-earned money. We pray that you will keep our Migrant Worker friends safe when they do the work in their respective industries – give them enough rest at night so that they will be alert to risks and hazards in the workplace. When we minister to them on the streets around the dormitories, help us to lend a listening ear to them and to be a friend to them in this foreign land.
We ask all these things in Jesus’ Name. Amen!