Mehedi Hasan

Hi, My name is Mehedi Hasan Nahid, I am a web developer.

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Worship & Music

To be an authentic community that leads people into exuberant praise and intimate worship, priming them to receive from God, encounter Him and connect with Him in spirit and in truth, so that they become more like Christ.


Flags Ministry

Worship flag bearers who express their worship through flags & movement


Life Group

Once a month meeting where the worship team members come together to share, pray and do life together.


Band Dynamic & Instrumental Workshops

Take place every quarter for the Worship Teams to help them grow in their skills. This provides a platform for the teams to interact and grow to know each other better as they serve.

Worship Teams

The 4 worship team serves monthly & is made up of these sub-segments:

  1. Worship Leaders
  2. Worship Band:
    – 6 piece band (Keyboard 1, Keyboard 2, Ac.Guitar, E.Guitar, Bass Guitar & Drums)
  3. Singers – Singers skilled in unison and harmony singing

Leading people into a life changing encounter with God

Our worship team seeks the following:

  1. Musicians – Pianists, Keyboardists, Acoustic & Electric Guitarists, Bass Guitarists & Drummers
  2. Singers – with a heart for worship and service.
  3. Flags – persons who desires to worship using flags
  4. Production and Stage Managers

Ministry Contact:

Paul Seow