Disciple is a four phased Bible Study programme that aims at life transformation, not merely information about God’s Word.
Living a transformed life means we grow into maturity as disciples of Jesus until we reach the full measure of Christlikeness and Christian perfection.
DISCIPLE 1: BECOMING DISCIPLES THROUGH BIBLE STUDY is the Foundational Overview. This first DISCIPLE bible study serves as the basis for all other studies in the DISCIPLE family that follow. It covers the entire Bible following the biblical story from Creation to New Jerusalem.
DISCIPLE 2: REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE examines the connection between memory and identity as the people of God in the Old Testament Prophets and the Letters of Paul.
DISCIPLE 3: INTO THE WORLD offers a deeper examination of Genesis, Exodus, Luke and Acts, emphasizing the rhythm of coming to God and going for God… approaching all experiences of life as opportunities for faithful witness and service.
DISCIPLE 4: UNDER THE TREE OF LIFE conveys the promise of finding shelter, security, and rest in God’s love. It covers the Old Testament Writings, the Gospel of John, the Epistles of John, James, Jude and Revelation.
The weekly themes, videos and group discussions and sharing helped me gain new insights and perspectives.
Our facilitators Kwang Meng and Candice were so delightful and engaging and my course mates so spontaneous and embracing that I really looked forward every week to fellowship and grow in God’s Word together.
Ong Swee Peck
D1 class 2024
The Disciple 1 course has indeed been refreshing and enlightening. The weekly readings can be daunting but it established for me a disciplined pattern of study and reflection on my spiritual journey and well-being. The weekly themes, videos and group discussions and sharing helped me gain new insights and perspectives. Our facilitators Kwang Meng and Candice were so delightful and engaging and my course mates so spontaneous and embracing that I really looked forward every week to fellowship and grow in God’s Word together.
The Exodus story in the Old Testament echoes my life story, my faith journey. Just as how God had delivered the Israelites from bondage and led them through the wilderness into the Promised Land, God had brought me out from a land of wilderness to His land of abundance and grace. I reaffirmed my identity as a child of God and am very thankful for His unconditional love, joy and peace in my life. This D1 course reaffirms the character of God and my covenantal relationship with Him. His abounding love and faithfulness propels me to respond in obedience and trust. I need to constantly recalibrate my spiritual life so that I continue to abide in Him and abide by Him. I pray that the 3Cs – Covenant, Communion, Commitment – will be etched in my heart and serve as a reminder and impetus in my race of faith.
I would like to encourage fellow brothers and sisters to prayerfully consider signing up for the Disciple 1 to grow and live out your faith. D3 2025, here I come!
Email: nurture@plmc.org