
The words of our Lord, in Matthew 28:19-20, commands us to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey [his commandments].”

The missions ministry takes heed this clarion call to all Christians who make up the Body of Christ, the Church, in reaching out to and discipling people of all nations, of all ethnicities, by complementing the local missions efforts expressed by the local outreach ministries, and the expression of our worship through worship services, by supporting local missioners in our local partner missions agencies, long-term missionaries who are based overseas and conducting short-term mission trips. another sentence.

Each one of us has a part to play in God’s mission to make Him known to all the world. As we PRAY and seek God’s heart for the nations, let us GROW in our knowledge of Him, and GO to whoever He calls us to!


“A Missional church proclaiming the kingdom of God among the least-reached peoples in Asia westward towards Jerusalem.”
Strategic ThrustsThe 2025 Vision is achieved through three strategic thrusts:
  1. Creative access to the least-reached people groups
  2. Effective engagement of field and missions partners
  3. Extensive mobilization of PLMC members and worshipers
  • Missional Church: Majority of PLMC members and worshipers being pro-active in outreach and missions.
  • Least-reached peoples: People groups with limited indigenous believing Christians to evangelize within the group. Reference: Joshuaproject.net
  • Asia: Nations in Southeast Asia, South Asia, Northeast Asia & Central Asia, from Singapore westward towards Jerusalem.
Learn how to pray for the nations & our missions team
Discover courses, workshops & events to learn more about missions
Explore different field locations in the nations

Upcoming Events


Get equipped to step out to bless the nations with these training sessions:


1. Missions Preparatory Course (mandatory for all first-time trippers with PLMC):

2024: 1 December (Sunday) 2pm

2025: 10 January (Friday) 8pm, 16 March (Sunday) 2pm, 25 April (Friday) 8pm, 18 May (Sunday) 2pm, 24 August (Sunday) 2pm

Please register here.

Note: Cell Clusters are encouraged to attend on the days highlighted in bold.


2. Missions Trip Leaders training (by invitation):

2025: 8 March (Saturday) 10am, 10 May (Saturday) 10am, 16 August (Saturday) 9am


Grow: Momentum Yes

Jesus is building his church, and he wants this generation to say “Yes” to joining the movement of seeing the gospel go to all peoples.

MomentumYes is a nine-hour course that helps inspire everyday people to live out God’s mission and take active next steps. It is a free video and discussion-based series created to be done in community.

At the end of six sessions, your group will understand how God is working and how they can get involved. Gather your small group and take them on a journey to make Jesus known.

Ready to get started?

Head to the MomentumYes website to sign up!

GO: Join our upcoming Missions Exposure Trips and Short Term Missions Trips.

Check out the schedule here.

For more Missions information, subscribe PLMC Missions Telegram Channel. (Note: you will need to download Telegram app first)

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