At the 9am English service on 1 September 2024, Brother Kwang Meng was giving the Word of knowledge when he mentioned someone has a growth on the right side of the neck. I was shocked to hear it and said to myself, “ Wow! Spot on!”

I had gone for a heart MRI in July. The doctor said my heart is beating well and strong. The only thing was that they had found that my right thyroid was enlarged. The doctor referred me to the Ear, Nose and Throat department and ordered a scan before my appointment there. On Monday right after the service (2 September), I was told that the scan results were clear. The growth was nothing but soft tissue which can go off by itself and there was nothing to worry about. I was curious and asked the doctor, “How sure are you?”

She mentioned that the images of the scan are different from that of cancer. She added: “I don’t need to see you again. You are discharged!”

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! He is always with me and beside me. He is greatly to be praised.

Thank God for sending the message through Brother Kwang Meng and  thank you all, my church family, for your prayers.