Mehedi Hasan

Hi, My name is Mehedi Hasan Nahid, I am a web developer.

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Prayer Focus

40.Day Prayers 2024 (LoveSingapore)

Join the 40.Day Prayer Season from July 1 to August 9, engaging believers from all walks of life in prayer for the nation.

Follow their pages for updates:
Website: lovesingapore.org.sg
YouTube: youtube.com/lovesingaporeonline
Facebook: facebook.com/lovesingapore.org.sg
Instagram: instagram.com/lovesingaporeonline

Next prayer meeting:
Wednesday, 3 July 8pm in the Sanctuary
Prayer Focus: Missions


30 June 2024

As one church family, we invite you to pray continually for our Year of Engagement (2024) as we continue seeking to bless the community and the nations.




  • Pray for BL as they conduct a youth camp.  Pray for the youth to encounter God.

  • Pray for the family camp that will be conducted by BL and their cell group.  Pray for marriages to be transformed.

  • Pray for the fathering movement, that have spread to five cities, to penetrate and transform society.


YWAM: Dan & Esther

  • Pray for Dan & Esther: – that God’s purposes to be fulfilled in and through them during their final quarter of their training attachment and, for their long-term work.

  • Pray for Dan & Esther’s growing family as Esther is now 4 months pregnant.



Wycliffe Singapore: Grace Tan

  •  Praise God Grace’s brother, Russel’s health has improved and he is able to walk with help.  Pray that he will be able to main or improve further.

  •  Pray for Grace’s sister and family’s trip back to Singapore that they are able to have clarity for the future and a blessed time with family and friends.


Navigators Singapore: Roger Yeo & Pearlyn Pang

  •  Pray for Roger, Pearlyn, Kevin, Johan, Kristine, Joel Loh and Joel Tio to grow in faith, hope and love even as they labour together for the gospel; embracing fully the grace that have come for our sakes – Col 1:3-6.

  •  Pray that God would continue to bring techies whose hearts are ready for the gospel into Roger & Pearlyn’s sphere of influence.  Pray for lasting fruit – John 15:16.


YWAM Singapore: Nicole Lim

  •  Pray for provision and restoration of the local team’s building in the Land of Ishmael after the fire.

  • Pray for Nicole, God’s grace and progress in her language learning journey.

  •  Pray for Nicole and 400+ people serving tirelessly in preparation for a global gathering in Philippines.


WEC Singapore: Angel Tan

  • Pray for Angel and her family’s transition as they wrap up their time in USA and looking into their job/ministry outlook in Singapore.

  •  Pray for God’s provision of a place to live from 12 July to 15 August when they return until their apartment’s tenancy ends.

  •  Pray for continued good development for the baby in Angel.


YWAM Singapore: Rachel Ong

  •  Pray for Spirit-led preparation for the Discipleship Training School (DTS) starting in July 2024.   

  •  Pray for Rachel to have a blessed time of fellowship with her sister & family who are visiting from overseas.

  •   Pray for Rachel, a good transition staying at the YWAM base from late June 2024.



East Asia: TK

  •  Pray for TK and family’s needs – spiritually, financially, physically, academically and God’s protection and guidance.

  •  Pray for the eight students and two young missionaries who will serve on campus next semester.  Also pray for God’s protection for 3 more teams who are preparing their teams to work with TK.

  •  Pray for C, D, S and H’s faith to grow, so that they can be the next student leaders.


East Asia:  Songs

  •  Pray for more workers to join the Songs in the harvest field.  And for the Songs to meet with and recruit the right workers.

  • Pray for the TAN workers to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves – Matthew 10:16.


East Asia: Mongolia Living Faith Church

  • Please pray for church growth in quality and quantity.

  • Please pray for God’s protection and good health over our family members.

  • Please pray for the monthly mission trips to Umnudelger and Nalaikh. Please pray that church members and leaders can be encouraged by the visits.


South Asia:  GEMS

  • Pray for GEMS and for the safety of all the workers, pastors, evangelists and staff.

  • Pray for His protection to surround them all as they press on, doing His kingdom’s work.

  • Pray for God’s providence for their needs and support.


South Asia:  CCI Bangladesh

  • Pray for the CCI tentmakers program as they equip themselves for the field.

  • Pray that new believers will stand firm in faith and to serve the Lord faithfully amid persecution.


Central Asia: C&M

Praise God:

  • C&M’s has had safe travels in Canada and in the USA in May. They preached the gospel and encouraged the Kyrgyz believers in clubs in Chicago. They had also met with other Central Asian people. Praise God for His provision, and their agency leaders, all the prayer support for their ministry, and their family. They also want to praise God for their health and for their ability to worship Him everyday.


  • Pray C&M’s safety in their travels, smooth flights, provision for all their needs and their continued dependence on God for His leading in their ministry direction.

  • Pray for two couples who are preparing to join the team.  Pray for the approval of their visas.


Silver Boxes

  • Pray for more parents to sign up for the D6 Conference that will be held on 26 and 27 July so that they can be equipped with the skills to build up strong families.

Sonshine Kids

We thank God for our planning team and praise God for a committed team of teachers and leaders. Pray for our Planning retreat on 15 June and for a great time of bonding together, as we spur one another on, to touch each life for Jesus.

This year, we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Sonshine Kids on 6 July. Pray for our outing at Skypark@Cineleisure as the children and the youths bond together and share lives together. We pray for each child and youth to experience God’s love and joy as they play together and build one another up, in love for God and one another.


  • We thank and praise God for the completion of the first ALPHA course of 2024. We thank God for the 20 participants who joined us in this journey of exploration and rejoice that 5 participants have indicated their decision to become a follower of Jesus. Let us pray for them as they continue in this journey of discipleship.

  • We thank God for the completion of the Baptism and Membership class and for all the candidates who will be baptised and/or received into PLMC membership on 23 June and 30 June, respectively. Let us pray for them to continue to grow in their discipleship and commitment to the Lord and his church.

  • We ask for your prayer for the Inclusive Community Initiative working team as we pray to God and seek his direction for helping PLMC to be a more inclusive community and a safe place for everyone.


Dearest friends and co-labourers of God, 

I greet you in the Name of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Please pray along with me:

O God our Heavenly Father, we thank you that you are a God who hears our prayers. We praise you as a living God who only wants what is best for all that you have created – for those of us who are privileged to be in your Kingdom, and also for those who have yet to receive and enter your Kingdom. We pray, O God, for all the people whom we are serving and ministering to in the Community.

We pray that the children and teachers in Hope Student Care Centre will be able to find some rest and recreation during the June school holidays. We know that they have been working hard prior to this. We also know that those who will be taking their PSLE this year will start to get very busy after these holidays. So, we humbly ask that you give them times of refreshing. We pray especially that you watch over them when they spend time going on excursions and recreational activities. We pray that when they come to church for their day-camp, they will be filled with an awareness of you and of your Son Jesus Christ. Help our youth who are organising the camp to show them your love as we spend time together for the first time in such a long while! Thank you for this opportunity, Heavenly Father.

We pray for the needy families in Blk 223A Serangoon Ave 4, Blk 8 Lor Lew Lian, and in Blks 201-210 Serangoon Central. We pray that as we continue to bring them their breakfasts and the essential food items, their hearts will be softened enough to want to receive and enter your Kingdom. We also pray for the residents in the Joint Singles Scheme units of Blk 208A Woodleigh Link and Blk 999A Buangkok Crescent. We thank you that they have happily and gratefully received our breakfast blessings. They are receptive to our love, so we ask that you touch their hearts so that they will know we love because you first loved us. Help them to realise that you love them, too, and that you want them to come into a relationship with you. Give us the boldness to speak your Word into them and to let them know about the salvation they may obtain through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.


We pray for all the elderly whom we minister to in the three St Luke’s Eldercare Centres in Serangoon, Hougang (Lor Ah Soo), Hougang Meadow, and in ECON Medicare Centre on Recreation Road. We have heard news of a new wave of COVID infections and how the elderly are especially vulnerable to falling ill. We pray that you will protect all of our elderly friends from the COVID virus, O God. And for those who have been infected, we ask that you heal them quickly. Do not let them suffer too much from the symptoms and bring them to full restoration of good health.


Heavenly Father, I also ask that you bless the work of the hands of all of our co-workers, who give their time and energy to bring your blessings to the people in our community. Give them the rest that they need after they have done the good works for you. And help them to see the fruits of their labour, as more and more choose to enter your glorious Kingdom.

We pray all these things in Jesus’ name. Amen!