I wish to share how the Lord has been faithful to my late grandmother throughout her life. She was bought up by her grandmother (my great-great-grandmother) since birth after her parents abandoned her.
Her grandmother was 80% blind and struggled to take care of her. However, she was a very faithful believer, full of joy and energy, and she always said God would provide and help them. One day, she prayed to God to let her see so that she could continue to take care of my grandmother, and dedicated my grandmother to Him.
God is good and a miracle actually happened. Great-great-grandma’s eyesight suddenly regained to 50 percent! She remembered her promise and my grandmother was baptised at the age of five.
Grandma got married at the age of 18. My grandfather was a gambler so she was forced to work as a part-time maid to help bring up their five children. Though her life was not smooth-sailing, she always believed God would provide and help her like He had always done, continued to give thanks to Him and do her best for the family. She even helped others around her with whatever little she had.
Once, her employer wanted her to wash clothes in water that was burning hot. When the family knew about it and asked Grandma if she was angry with the employer , she answered no, because God has forgiven us and as children of God, we should not bear anger or hatred towards others too.
Grandma took care of three grandchildren, including me. She did not have much money to provide them with toys they wanted but God never forgot her. Many times, she would suddenly find money on the floor to pick up!
Grandma moved in with my family in her later years, and attended the Mandarin service at Paya Lebar Methodist Church. After she had a fall and was wheelchair-bound, she could not go to church anymore. She continued to look at the Bible (as she can’t read) and pray faithfully for her family, giving thanks to God daily.
God brought Grandma home on 22 October last year, without much suffering, My mum and I were with her when she passed away.
I thank God for Grandma’s example of faith that has passed through the generations, and for His faithfulness to her and the family. His great love and compassion never fail, and His mercies are new every morning.