My encounter with God through prophetic stone painting began during my Crossover in Secondary 3 leading the Primary 6 to the Youth Ministry. This was in 2019 when prophetic painting seemed only like fun and games to us teens. We would pray and ask God what was on His heart but turn to apps like Pinterest for ideas to reference and copy.

During the Crossover, we laid the completed painted stones along our makeshift Jordan River and one by one we would pick a stone in faith that resonated with us. I picked a stone with a painted rainbow with the words  “The rainbow represents my never-ending promise” written on it. I knew this verse Genesis 9:16 where God said He would remember His covenant between Him and all living creatures of every kind, a covenant promising His everlasting and living presence in us.

Then 15 years old, I was unable to grasp the depth and breadth of the meaning of the verse. I wondered… what covenant? What promise did He give me? Little did I know that He promised to journey with me through my valleys and assured that He would never forsake nor leave me at all times.

In my growing years, I struggled with fear, rejection, abandonment, loneliness and failure in many aspects of my life. The turning point came with the Holy Spirit’s manifestation when I saw that dusty painted stone rainbow parked in a corner of my room five years later. Somehow it captured my attention that afternoon. I was feeling anxious and overwhelmed as I was rostered in the band to play drums that weekend.

God has gifted me a passion for music and I yearned to serve and worship Him. My fear is that I’m not good enough! Yet.., over the years, I’ve been given opportunities to serve and play drums in many ministries such as Silver Boxes, Youth and Filipino Services before advancing to the band at the main service.

I do feel inadequate in my drum skills and had started off poorly – once, the video camera had even captured me carelessly dropping my drumsticks while playing, much to my horror and embarrassment! I am thankful for  some great leaders/mentors in our church family like Uncle Alex, Uncle Tach and Uncle Jamin who built me up with so much TLC, encouraging and comforting me, giving me constructive feedback to better myself. The church family has given me a safe place to be nurtured and refined so that I can draw close to God.

And I am thankful for the inscribed stone painting of God’s promise of His presence in life’s challenges. I have gained much confidence in my drum playing now. Working in partnership with the Holy Spirit has made me realized that it is not through my effort alone, but that every good and perfect gift truly comes from heaven above.

Prophetic stone painting is now not just about a simple art activity to me but also a powerful tool to edify and encourage. It reminded me of a truth that I did not see immediately but experienced many times over since.